유럽 최초 제도권 스테이블 코인 나왔다…VNX골드, 리히텐슈타인서 출시 - VNX
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유럽 최초 제도권 스테이블 코인 나왔다…VNX골드, 리히텐슈타인서 출시

What documents and information are required for KYB? The exact list of documents for each entity depends on the jurisdiction in which it is registered, the legal form and the internal structure of the business. The general idea is that the documents should allow us: (1) to make sure that the legal entity exists and […]

What documents and information are required for KYB?

The exact list of documents for each entity depends on the jurisdiction in which it is registered, the legal form and the internal structure of the business. The general idea is that the documents should allow us: (1) to make sure that the legal entity exists and is in a good standing, (2) see who its managers and beneficial owners are, and (3) verify if the person creating an account for the company is authorized to do so.

Let us give you a quick overview of the documents that may be required for your registration. Please note that the list of documents is approximate and can be modified by the compliance team.

1. Documents confirming the legal existence of a legal entity (please upload at least two):

  • certificate of good standing;
  • statutes/ memorandum of association/ articles of the company; 
  • excerpt from the state company registry;
  • certificate of incumbency; or
  • trust agreement.

2. Documents identifying the managers and the ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) of the company:

  • shareholder registry;
  • director registry; or
  • another similar document.

If the structure has several corporate layers, e.g. intermediary holding companies, the applicant will be asked to provide the relevant documents in respect of each company.

3. Documents confirming your authority to represent the applicant:

  • power of attorney;
  • appointment as a director of the applicant company; or
  • another similar document.

As the person begins the registration process on behalf of a legal entity, he/she is asked to confirm that he/she is at least 18 years old, is authorized to represent the legal entity and that the legal entity is not incorporated and not a resident of the restricted countries listed on VNX Commodities’ website.